Become a Women's Health Advocate 

Preventive Health is founded on the premise that an individual can impact their health outcomes.  

One individual can change the course of a nation by educating, through health policy locally, nationally and internationally. 

What if every person could create a focus on the environment through their personal actions, beliefs and examples?

What if an individual could make changes so that environmental exposures were minimized?


Committed individuals advocate for health.





Live by example.

Show you care.

Earn trust and lead positively. 

Lead a life to minimize environmental exposures for health and the health of the fetus.



Make personal choices that lead to minimized environmental exposures and lead other by example

Rely on the guidance of scientific organizations to provide sound information on personal lifestyle choices

Develop safe policies beginning locally and expanding globally

Minimize the impact of environmental exposures on health and the health of the fetus  





Focus on community campaigns to raise environmental awareness

Be a voice for healthy regulations and representation based on an appreciation for health

Women can educate family, friends, and community about the risks of potential environmental exposures on health and that of the fetus




Engage in social media to expand consumer awareness

Make changes in the community:  through faith-based, health system-focused, or advocacy-oriented choices

Live the mantra “all leadership starts locally”

Choose to minimize the impact of potential environmental exposures on health and the health of the fetus.