Tokyo, Japan - December 2017

Universal Health Coverage Forum


The high-level forum on universal health coverage, jointly organized by the Government of Japan, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and UHC2030. 

Jeanne Conry
Les Diablerets, Switzerland - June 2018

The 11th Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Endocrine Disruptors took place in Les Diablerets, Switzerland,marking its 20th anniversary.


The program provided a unique meeting format encouraging collegial discourse between leading scientists and junior colleagues from all over the world.  

Jeanne Conry
Cartagena, Colombia - May 2018

Federación Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología (FECOLSOG), 2018. Cartagena, Colombia


“Impacto del medio ambiente en la salud de la mujer “y Grupo de trabajo "Well-Woman": componentes de la visita (Well-Well-Woman Task Force: Components of the Well-Woman Visit).”

OBGYNs from across Colombia gather every three years to discuss recent practice updates and science.  During this venue they have chosen well woman health care and environmental topics

Jeanne Conry
Dubai, UAE - April 2018

International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics:  Regional Congress of Middle East and Africa, April, 2018. Dubai


The federation of African countries and Middle Eastern countries host a meeting on updates in women’s health

“The Impact of the Environment on Global Women’s Health”

This program will emphasize the regional leadership needed to effect change


Jeanne Conry
Odisha, India - January, 2018

All India Conference on Obstetrics and Gynecology, January, 2018. Odisha, India


Every year OBGYNs from around India gather for an annual meeting to discuss the science and practice updates impacting care

“Reproductive and Developmental Environmental Health”

India has a population crisis that is impacting air and water pollution.  The country has a well-organized OBGYN community and leadership, but environmental problems are overwhelming

Jeanne Conry
Cancun, Mexico - November 2017

Federacion Latinamericana de Sociedades de Obstetricia y Ginecologia: 22nd Congress of Latinamerican Obstetricians and Gynecologists, November, 2017.  Cancun, Mexico


The Latin American Federation hosts a meeting every three years to celebrate their achievements in OBGYN.  This year the meeting was held in Mexico but members from throughout Latin America participated

The Ostrich and the OBGYN: Reproductive Health and the Environment

Latin America faces challenges from deforestation, air and water pollution, mining and pesticides.  Recognizing that each region, each country, will need to identify major problems and pull resources together to effect change

Jeanne Conry
Guayaquil, Ecuador - August, 2017

Ecuador hosted their annual meeting for all obstetricians and gynecologists in their country, with invited speakers from around the globe


Federacion Ecuatoriana de Sociedades de Ginecologia y Obstetricia, August, 2017.  Guayaquil, Ecuador


“The Ostrich and the OBGYN: Reproductive Health and the Environment”  

Ecuador as a country has made a commitment to land preservation and mining changes.  These discussions focused a positive energy on how advocacy can effect change.

Jeanne Conry
Colombo, Sri Lanka - August, 2017.

Golden Jubilee Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, August, 2017.  Colombo, Sri Lanka



Sri Lanka celebrated 50 years as an OBGYN society and invited speakers from around the globe to celebrate their achievements

The Ostrich and the OBGYN: A Look at Reproductive Health and the Environment

Golden Jubilee Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, August, 2017.  Colombo, Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka there have been tremendous improvements in health care, and certainly that seen in the health of women.  This Golden Jubilee celebrated those accomplishments. It was significant that the research award to a new and accomplished scientist was an environmental topic about fungicides impact on fertility

Jeanne Conry
Nice, France - November 2017

International Education Course on Environmental Preventive Medicine at University of Nice, France, November 2017, Nice, France.


The World Health Organization and Chiba University have organized a program on Environmental Medicine for Medical Students and we hosted a two-day course

“Female Reproductive Health” and “Health Effects of Air Pollution”: If we are to educate, the process must start early in the health training programs.  This program suggests that including discussions on the impact of the environment places a focus for students and faculty alike, so that the topic can be a basis of understanding in all medical student curriculum

Jeanne Conry