What if? 


What if every individual could take a leadership role in guiding healthier choices in the food we eat, the lifestyle we adopt, and the exposures we encounter in everyday life?

The Environmental Health Leadership Foundation is founded on the principle that we need to bring understanding to the relationship between environment and health. Health care providers and patients alike struggle to comprehend how environmental exposures, genes and susceptibility all play a role in health outcomes. Particularly for pregnant women and women of reproductive age, there is a vulnerability because a developing fetus is susceptible to life-changing exposures.


EHLF will focus on education and advocacy to improve health and well-being for this generation, and generations to come.

Only if we invest in the health of women do we invest in the health of this and future generations. Preconception, pregnancy and early childhood represent particularly vulnerable times of development when environmental impacts can be significant, additive and multi-generational. Reproductive health looks at these vulnerable stages of environmental exposures because the health of women and fetus are at risk

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Jeanne Conry, M.D., PhD
President and CEO
